Fanna-fi-Allah would like to thank Aminah Chishti for her service as tabla Nawaz

It is with great sadness and heavy hearts that Fanna-fi-Allah announces the departure of Aminah Chishti from their band. She has been an integral part of the Qawwali group for the past 20 years since its inception in 2001, and has helped us create some of our most memorable performances through her immense talent, devotion and passion.

The band would like to thank her for her dedication and hard work over the years, and wish her all the best in her future musical and personal endeavours, as she will no longer be collaborating with Fanna-fi-Allah. Her contribution cannot be overstated, and she will always be honoured as a pioneer for women in Qawwali music.

The decision by Aminah Chisthti to depart from Fanna-fi-Allah was mutually agreed upon by both parties as the most judicious solution.

After much mediation between the members of Fanna-fi-Allah and Aminah Chishti over the past years, the unanimous decision has been to end their collaboration with Aminah Chishti due to irreconcilable differences. With respect to Aminah’s private life, the members of the band will not be engaging in discussions about the reasons for this decision.

Fanna-fi-Allah is looking forward to continuing their journey as a seven-piece ensemble with tours booked for Europe and the United States in the summer and fall of 2022.

Alexandra Lyons